Week 6 Things 13, 14 & 15
Technorati was just as enlightening- So THIS is how my blog will find fame! Not quite up to the challenge (this week) of tagging my blog...definitely later- right now I just want to move on & learn more.
Web 2.0 My thoughts and observations addressed! Confirming my earlier thinking that it is a privelige to be at the beginning of all this...what an opportunity (why isn't Learning 2.0 compulsory??) Just having a weird thought- A physical library can burn down & all information is lost- could the 'web' self destruct/implode/disappear?? Do we know? What exactly (in a physical sense) IS the 'web'? Anyway, I think at this stage one of our biggest hurdles will be the ability to let go of outdated, routine thinking of what a library is...to lose that 'museum' mentality. Very, very interersting.