
Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Week 6 Things 13, 14 & 15

Tagging & Del.icio.us I love - no more do I need to clutter up my 'Favourites' icon in the toolbar (how prehistoric was I?) So easy to use, too- or did I miss something?

Technorati was just as enlightening- So THIS is how my blog will find fame! Not quite up to the challenge (this week) of tagging my blog...definitely later- right now I just want to move on & learn more.

Web 2.0 My thoughts and observations addressed! Confirming my earlier thinking that it is a privelige to be at the beginning of all this...what an opportunity (why isn't Learning 2.0 compulsory??) Just having a weird thought- A physical library can burn down & all information is lost- could the 'web' self destruct/implode/disappear?? Do we know? What exactly (in a physical sense) IS the 'web'? Anyway, I think at this stage one of our biggest hurdles will be the ability to let go of outdated, routine thinking of what a library is...to lose that 'museum' mentality. Very, very interersting.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Week 5 Thing 12

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Week 5 Thing 12

http://rollyo.com I can see that this would be an extremely useful tool for heavy users. I like the way I can send my own searchbar to friends- currently working this part out & will need some time to understand how to do it (if I haven't already without knowing I have!)

Week 5 thing 11

Librarything is a site that is right up my alley. For years I have kept a personal diary database just like this one provided on Librarything (however much cruder!). What a boon this will be. I wonder if I will ever get around to transferring my diary (hundreds of entries) www.librarything.comto the website- how will I resist?http://www.librarything.com/catalog.php?view=hippyheart

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Week 5 Thing 10

My creation, originally uploaded by hippyhheart.

My son will love this magazine poster of his pride and joy! It may even get him trying out some new creative stuff, too! Must STOP playing...


Week 5 Thing 10

My creation, originally uploaded by hippyhheart.

Having even MORE fun!

Hotair balloon

Hotair balloon, originally uploaded by hippyhheart.

Just having a play with Flickr & trying to become more familiar with how this all works. Fun!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Week 5 Thing #9

Now this is an interesting discovery! Being a bit of a news junkie I can see unlimited potential for using RSS/ Newsreaders. One of the most intriguing things is it comes without all those annoying ads/popups etc. Why is it possible for feeds and not other things?

All I need is time to read it all...that's easy- I'll just make time!!

I am quite excited about all the new things I am finding out & keen to get to the next week's task. I do need time to absorb all this and have a little play around in my own way...right now my head is spinning, but I have found that as I have gone back to things later it all becomes clearer- so glad I'm doing this.

Monday, November 13, 2006


I'm not so sure all this new technology is my kind of thing, however I recognise that I need to know to stay in the race so to speak. It would be too easy to just put all this into the too-hard-basket...and anyway, there is that special sort of buzz when something is learnt and conquered! I actually posted my own photo onto my own blog using technology I didn't know existed a year ago...I can hardly wait to see what is around the corner!

I wonder how this would be relevant to my work as it is now (can't imagine using flickr on the circulation desk) but I can certainly see the potential for advertising and ofcourse personal use! In any case I don't think it is so much about where we are at right now, but where all this will lead to in the future...and isn't that like the path of life?? In any case FLICKR has so much potential & I can think of many people who would be interested for a variety of reasons. Perhaps even converting the computer challenged in the way we are able to combine photography (ie creative art) with computer technology! Even just to have a stickybeak at how clever others are with their camers!

How exciting to think that we are all the new-age pioneers of some incredible future that most of us cannot even imagine- you know the saying: 'One small step for mankind...' AND I was there (watching on TV) for that moment, too!!! What a fabulous time we are in; what a sin to waste that time and stick our heads in the sand saying'It's too hard/ too late for me". If nothing else, if for whatever reason I choose not to use this new technology, at least I wont be in TOTAL ignorance of what is going on around me.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

second post

Well, I made it back to my very own blog!
As will be obvious to you (after that semi-sarcastic remark) the most difficult habit for me to learn will be habit number 4: HAVE CONFIDENCE etc, but I realise my time has come & I cannot afford to be negative & lack confidence. After all, if I've already made it this far, that really is pretty good (& a lot further than I thought I could have been this time last year for example). In any case, a damn sight further than a lot of other people I know! I will just MAKE myself confident....this is where determination & tenacity can be good traits.

The easiest habit for me may well be number 3 : PROBLEMS AS CHALLENGES- that's just something that seems to come naturally (or is it years of practise & perfecting the art of). I believe challenges & problems are just a fact of life & not bad luck or the result of the evil eye etc!! Behind every cloud a silver lining etc etc & how do we move on if we are not sometimes 'forced' to side step from our predetermined path etc etc...you'll get my drift, I'm sure!

Now, if i can just manage to get this 'registered' or whatever it is....I wish me luck!



First entry

Well, I can't believe I'm here... I hope I find my way back! I feel like Alice in Wonderland down the rabbit hole or something.

Looking forward to more (of something I don't know what) to come-